
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An educated, well-trained and skilled workforce is the backbone to Kentucky’s economic success. Kentucky Adult Education is ready to partner with you to help your employees get the education and training they need to learn, practice and master both the academic and soft skills needed that will not only help them grow, but will help you ​grow your business.

GED classes

Kentucky Office of Adult Education offers free classes at Kentucky Adult Education Centers in preparation for GED® testing. They also offer certifications for the workforce education as well as post-secondary education opportunities.

Kentucky Essential Skills Certificate (KESC)

The KESC is a certification your future (and current) employees can earn when they successfully complete the online WIN Soft Skills course, available FREE at any Kentucky Adult ​Education center.

The KESC certifies that an individual has successfully completed coursework in:

  • Communicating effectively
  • Conveying professionalism
  • Promoting teamwork and collaboration
  • Thinking critically and solving problems

Learn English

With a growing international workforce, it’s important that a minimal amount of English is spoken in the workplace for safety. The Kentucky Office of Adult Education offers free classes for those who need to improve on their English language speaking, reading and writing skills.

Outreach and Strategic Partnerships​

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strategic partners​​